Shipping & Delivery
Generally, once you have placed your order, it will take 3-5 business days to process before it ships out. However, in special cases, such as stock shortages of popular items, national holidays, etc., it will take 5-10 business days. Orders are not shipped on weekends or holidays, so allow for that. Please keep in mind these are estimates and may vary.
*At this stage, if you want to cancel your order, please submit your ticket and send us the request.
If you would like to cancel a back-ordered item in your order, simply send us your request by submitting a ticket, we will get back to you as soon as possible. We are unable to cancel, allow edits, or make address changes to orders that have already been shipped.
A shipment takes 7-14 business days to arrive, please refer to the table below for various shipping times to international destinations.
US | Above $69 $35 - $68.99 $0 - $34.99 |
Free $7.99 $9.99 |
7-14 working days | Standard |
CA | Above $69 $35 - $68.99 $0 - $34.99 |
Free $5.99 $7.99 |
7-14 working days | Standard |
UK | Above $69 $35 - $68.99 $0 - $34.99 |
Free $5.99 $8.99 |
7-14 working days | Standard |
AU | Above $69 $35 - $68.99 $0 - $34.99 |
Free $5.99 $8.99 |
7-14 working days | Standard |
DE | Above $69 $35 - $68.99 $0 - $34.99 |
Free $6.99 $9.99 |
7-14 working days | Standard |
NZ |
Above $69 $35 - $68.99 $0 - $34.99 |
Free $5.99 $8.99 |
7-14 working days | Standard |
FR | Above $69 $35 - $68.99 $0 - $34.99 |
Free $6.99 $9.99 |
7-14 working days | Standard |
IT | Above $69 $35 - $68.99 $0 - $34.99 |
Free $6.99 $9.99 |
7-14 working days | Standard |
ES | Above $69 $35 - $68.99 $0 - $34.99 |
Free $6.99 $9.99 |
7-14 working days | Standard |
EU | Above $69 $35 - $68.99 $0 - $34.99 |
Free $6.99 $9.99 |
7-30 working days | Standard |
Rest of World | Above $69 $35 - $68.99 $0 - $34.99 |
Free $7.99 $10.99 |
10-40 working days | Standard |
Taxes are included in the price if you are in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, New Zealand, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden. Please note that all packages are shipped from the HouseofHalley warehouse. Except for the countries we mentioned above, in other countries, our goods are not taxed, so import duties may occur depending on your country's customs and shipping method. You can check with your local customs office for more information.